Community Work Release
Our Community Release Programs serve clients referred by the State of Connecticut Department of Correction. In these programs, clients are afforded the opportunity to work on overcoming barriers to successful reentry into the community.
Referrals are accepted only from the State of Connecticut Department of Correction.

24 Central Avenue
Waterbury, CT 06702
Phone: 203.596.7303
Fax: 203.596.7408
31 Wolcott Street
Waterbury, CT 06702
Phone: 203.753.2341
Fax: 203.755.6902
575 Maple Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Phone: 203.335.8867
Fax: 203.330.2859
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was enacted to prevent sexual assaults and harassment in residential facilities housing individuals under the control of various components of the judicial system. CT Renaissance has a zero tolerance policy toward all forms of sexual abuse and harassment in our facilities and ensures training, education, prevention, detection, response, investigation, and tracking of all reported acts of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. If you suspect that sexual abuse has occurred at a CTR program, you have several options for reporting. You may call Dawn Patston, PREA Coordinator, at (203) 336-5225, x2123, or you may call the Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-888-999-5545. Reports may also be made directly to the Police Department. Reports will be investigated as indicated in CTR’s PREA Policy and Procedure.
Community Release Programs

The Community Release Programs are provided at three locations located in Waterbury and Bridgeport, serving male clients referred by the Connecticut Department of Correction. Goals of the programs are to offer residents the opportunity to learn how to overcome barriers to reentry, establish vocational and educational skills, support systems and independent living skills
The program begins with an orientation phase which will assist residents with adjusting to the facility, staff members, other residents, structure of the program and to establish a personalized re entry plan that includes measurable criteria of accomplishments and a specific time table for achieving them. It is the philosophy of the program that discharge begins at admission. During this time, residents will meet with the Unit Job Developer for assessment and support in obtaining and retaining employment. Residents will also be introduced to the Evidence Based Model Life after Incarceration. The program is geared toward assisting clients in recognizing and addressing barriers to successful reintegration. Through one on one Case Management residents are encouraged to address their mental health, medical and substance abuse issues. Case Managers aid residents in accessing resources for vocational/educational opportunities, individual and group therapy, 12 step self-help programs, family reunification and legal issues.
Length of Stay is approximately 90-120 days.
Once a resident is employed, the Case Manager will work with him to learn budgeting and financial literacy. It is the goal of this phase to focus on discharge planning. Completion of the program is based on the client’s participation level, employment, securing of appropriate residence, aftercare planning and legal status.
Residents are under the supervision of a house Parole Officer. The Parole Officer works closely with the resident and staff to ensure self sufficiency and success in re entry.
565-585 Maple Street, Bridgeport, CT
31 Wolcott Street, Waterbury, CT
24 Central Avenue, Waterbury