How we are keeping you safe during Covid-19

CT Renaissance is dedicated to ensuring the safety of our clients and access to services during the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize that individuals and families in our local communities have been impacted by the pandemic, which has led to increased levels of anxiety, depression, trauma and substance use for many. Our Outpatient Clinics and LYNC programs continue to offer in-person services as well as some services via telehealth platforms.
We have also implemented a variety of safety protocols in effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. All individuals on site at a CT Renaissance facility are required to wear a face mask that completely covers the nose and mouth, unless doing so would
be contrary to the individual’s health or safety due to medical conditions. Individuals will maintain 6-foot social distancing when possible.

Outpatient facilities are also limiting on-site services to the number of clients who can be safely on site while maintaining social distancing. Where possible, each client will be contacted to complete a COVID-19 screening via phone prior to scheduled appointments. Upon arrival at our facilities, all clients and visitors complete a temperature screening and symptom check.
Our practices are in line with CDC recommendations and state mandates and will be updated as necessary to ensure the safety of our clients and staff.
Please contact our programs if you have questions about our COVID-19 policies or the availability of telehealth services.