Licensing & Accreditation

In 2024, CT Renaissance received its ninth three-year accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Our Outpatient Behavioral Health Clinics and Adolescent programs received re-accreditation, while our McAuliffe Center 3.7 Residential Enhanced Co-Occurring Treatment program received its second three-year residential accreditation.
CARF surveyors commented that “it is clear that the leaderships are committed to the quality of the organization as evidenced by the ongoing communication and reviews of performance. There is solid accountability by the organized committees that continuously monitor for compliance and identify areas for improvement.” The surveyors informed us that “it is clear the CT Renaissance is committed to your work and, in spite of the challenges of working in a pandemic, the organization has remained dedicated to the people served, to your mission and vision.”
Not only do the evaluators examine direct client care, but organizational policies, outcome measurements, finances, human resources, operating structure, safety and numerous other areas throughout the organization. The survey team also consults with clients and their families, state officials, staff and board members. All of the programs accredited have been found to substantially meet nationally recognized standards.
This achievement has been attainable through continuously striving to provide the highest quality services in the most cost-effective manner. It is CARF’s recommendation to announce this accreditation to individuals and agencies that we collaborate with in order to “enhance their respect for and trust in your organization and its capabilities.”
Each of Connecticut Renaissance’s Outpatient Clinics in Bridgeport, Norwalk and Waterbury are also licensed by the State of Connecticut’s Department of Public Health (DPH) as “a psychiatric outpatient clinic and a facility for the care or treatment of substance abusive or dependent persons.” CT Renaissance’s Residential Substance use Treatment Programs in Waterbury are licensed by DPH as intermediate substance use facilities. In addition, the Waterbury, Norwalk and Bridgeport Outpatient Clinics are licensed by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) as Outpatient Psychiatric Clinics for Children.